(8月12日10:30)Investigation of complex turbulent flows in wind energy using a simulation-based approach
报告题目:Investigation of complex turbulent flows in wind energy using a simulation-based approach
报告人: Dr. Xiaolei Yang
Stony Brook University
时间:2017年8月12日(周六) 10:30—12:00
Complex turbulent flows, spanning a broad range of spatial and temporal scales, occur in various environmental and industrial flow systems. With the exponential growth of the computing power of supercomputers, the simulation-based approach is playing a more and more important role in understanding the mechanism of complex turbulent flows, developing physics-based engineering models, and eventually helping the design of real-life complex flow systems.
In this talk, I will present a high-fidelity computational tool (named as Virtual Flow Simulator (VFS-Wind)) for simulating complex turbulent flows at field scale and its applications to wind and hydrokinetic energy. Specifically, this talk will include the following three topics:
1) A brief description of VFS-Wind with focus on different turbine parameterization methods;
2) Turbine wake dynamics under different terrain or incoming wind conditions for different turbine designs and in wind farms;
3) Physics-based reduced-order models for predicting power output of arbitrary size and layout wind farms.
Xiaolei Yang received his Ph.D. degree in Fluid Mechanics fromInstitute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2010. Currently he is working as a senior research scientist in the Department of Civil Engineering, and as a lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Stony Brook University. His research interests include developing computational methods for high Reynolds number, multi-scale, multi-physics turbulent flows and investigating the mechanism of complex turbulent flows and the related transport process in environmental and industrial applications.