(LNM-11月10日14:00)Superior Ductility by gradient structure with optimum gradient
报告题目:Superior Ductility by gradient structure with optimum gradient
报告人: Prof. Y.Li
Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China
Inspired by biological systems, the design of gradient structure in engineering materials has been widely adopted to achieve desirable combinations of mechanical properties. Yet, so far gradient materials are still into the dilemma that the enhancement of strength is at the expense of ductility. How to approach the limit of strength-and-ductility synergy by tailoring the degree of gradient remains challenging. In the present work, we report superior ductility in gradient nickel with an optimum distribution of grain size, where enhanced strength is obtained together with an extraordinary uniform elongation that is even larger than that of coarse-grained Ni. Experimental observations and molecular dynamics simulations show that the extra-elongation is attributed to the optimum effect of gradient structure in suppressing surface roughening and strain localization.
李毅研究员1985年于华中工学院获得工学学士学位,1990年获得英国谢菲尔德大学冶金系获得博士学位。在英国完成三年的博士后工作之后,于1992年到新加坡国立大学工作。2000年七月任副教授,获终身教职。于2008年七月被聘为正教授。现为中科院金属研究所国家实验室非平衡部主任。李毅研究员长期从事非平衡条件下金属材料的凝固行为研究,针对非平衡金属材料的基础科学问题以及实用化技术,开展了一系列卓有成效的研究工作。特别是在新型块体非晶合金形成判据、成分设计和力学行为等领域做出了多项开创性的工作,研究成果在国际上受到广泛关注,并得到国际同行的公认。在Science, PRL, JMPS, Acta Mater.等国际期刊上发表论文230余篇。在大型国际学术会议上作特邀报告50余次。承担各类科研项目20余项。