(LNM 5月28日15:00)Understanding Water Ice: Ten Weird Facts
报告题目:Understanding Water Ice: Ten Weird Facts
报 告 人: Chang Q Sun 教 授
NOVITAS, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798
EBEAM, Yangtze Normal University, China 408100
时间:2 0 1 8年5月2 8日(星期一) 下午15:00-18:00
地点:力学所会议中心2 0 4会议室
报告人简介:Received his PhD in Physics at Murdoch University in 1996 and then joined NTU to date, Dr Sun has been working on the themes of Chemisorption, Solvation, Nano-Physics, Multifield Single-bond Mechanics, and Water Ice with attainments featured in three monographs and multiple treatises featured in Chem Rev, Surf Sci Rep, Prog Mater Sci., etc.
报告摘要:As the source and central part of all life, the simple substance, water ice (H2O), bends the rules - it is too strange, too anomalous, and too challenging. Ideas in terms of continuum thermodynamics, molecular dynamics, or structural order configuration could hardly explain completely the weird facts that one can observe. From the perspective of hydrogen bond(O:H—O) cooperativity and polarizability, we have reconciled the mysteries of water ice subjecting to mechanical compression, thermal stimulation, molecular undercoordination, and electromagnetic excitation. Here we share understanding of ten typical facts: ice floating, ice regelation, ice friction, “instant” icing, nanobubble stability, water's tough skin, salt ice melting, floating water bridge, frog maglev, and the Mpemba paradox - warmer water cools faster. As the basic structural and energy-exchange unit, the O:H—O bond cooperative relaxation in length and energy rules the weirdness of water ice.